Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Tips For Creating Your Own Short Video Ad - 3 mins - Quick Tips

In today's competitive online advertising market, it is important to understand the importance of a short video ad, which can be done by companies on their own or through professional networks. The term advertorial is used to describe any type of commercial where there is a story at the beginning and end of the advertorial, either spoken or written. Often these are placed in between other articles to emphasise a point about the company, product or service.

While this may seem like a simple idea, it's actually a fairly complex process that requires a great deal of thought and consideration before you decide whether or not to use an advertorial. Firstly, you must establish whether you wish to feature the person talking in the video or the product being promoted. You need to think about the tone of voice, the pitch of the voice and whether or not the voice is familiar. The last thing you want to do is end up coming off as a stalker, which would not be acceptable to your target audience.

So how do you set about creating a short video ad - 3 mins that will get results? Well, like many others, I searched the internet for the best way to promote my business. What I found was that there were literally hundreds of different ways to do this. Some were effective and some were not. To make it easier, here are my top tips for creating a great advertorial.

The very first step is the most obvious - write a compelling message. Whether you are using text, images or video, you need to give your readers a reason to read your text over the video. Remember, your audience is likely looking for a solution or information from you and if you can provide that, they will read on. The same goes for your video, it needs to communicate a message that can be understood by a non-technical person.

The second point is consistency. Your advertorial needs to be in the same place each time you publish it. This is especially true if you are using images or video. If you change the layout and format of your advertorial, the viewers will not see the same layout each time.

The third and final tip is to choose a keyword that has low competition. Competition in this case refers to how few other people have chosen that particular keyword as a keyword search. In Google's AdWords system, the lower the competition, the more likely you are to rank highly. To test this out, take the phrase you want to rank for and search for it within Google's AdWords search engine. You will be shown the top websites that have used that keyword as their keyword, which should give you an idea of how your advertorial will fare against their competition. 

Creating a short video ad - 3 mins can be very time consuming. However, by following these simple steps, you can ensure that your ad will be noticed and that your customers will click on it. Your success is dependent on having a clear message and creating a design that your target audience will like. The more research you do into your audience, the better chances you will have of attracting them to your website.

The final piece of advice I can give you is to keep it simple. The shorter your ad, the easier it will be to scan quickly. A video that only lasts for a minute or two will also be easier to digest than a lengthy advert. Keep your message brief and simple - no need to go into overwhelming detail. Your target audience will be able to focus immediately on what your ad is saying and your message will stand out.